It being the new year and all I wanted to share a list of things I am currently obsessing over just a tad. First, I really don't use this time of year to create resolutions because I set new goals or review past goals every day, it's more effective! So in place of resolutions I will share 5 things that I am working on and making a priority throughout the year. What are your 5 things?!
Thing #1: Goals! Goal setting is so much fun and with a new trick to make it feel more doable they just start taking on better life. I read a wonderful article recently about goal setting using an, "if, then" statement. For example one goal I have given myself is--If I say I am bored, then I will read an article, email, chapter, essay, etc. about business.
Thing #2: Blog! I love blogs. They can be whatever you need them to be for you, educational, inspirational, or your daily guilty pleasure. I am taking this wonderful e-course from elsie and it has really got me thinking about what it is I do here. I love having this space but I think it's time for a direction review. My darling sister has recently decided to move her blog to a new home with a fresh start, which also got me thinking--what is my actual focus here? How can I make it better? Yes and I will!
Thing #3: Entrepreneur! Here is a word that I am using in my vocabulary every day now. This last year was wonderful because things happened outside of my control giving me time for pause. Eventually I turned down what I saw as a traditional route and started day dreaming about more fun things. Those day dreams are turning into realities with a ton of hard work ahead of me of course!
Thing #4: Stylist! As a little girl I loved playing dress up, redesigning my bedroom (constantly!) and designing clothing lines. But as I got older I deemed these hobbies as frivolous even though I truly loved what they all represented to me. It has taken me close to 10 years to throw that frivolous notion out the door and take back a piece of me that I still love. You will see this word start to pop up more as I take my blog in a more defined direction and give myself the space to be a teacher of style. (with more photos!)
Thing #5: Love! Well I am pretty lucky over this one. I get to spend great time everyday with someone who has pulled me out of my shell, all the while loving what unfolds. I foresee some exciting things in the future, but in the everyday life my sweetie inspires the small things, the big ideas, and all that is found in the middle.
Here is to another wonderful and playful year!

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