Hello sweet bees. After burrowing in my studio for hours and hours getting product produced I am finally starting on the smaller details! But here is where I need some advice. I have cards being printed, stamps being made, little wooden trays and chalkboards painted, and table tents for hair pieces; what should I do with these delicate pendants I've made? I know, you haven't exactly seen them, but imagine dainty semi-precious stones wrapped with brass findings and strung on tiny (yes, I found some!) brass ball and chain. If you were a shopper how would you like to shop for a necklace? If they are laying down they get all tangled, if they are hanging the tag gets in the way... I am stuck! How do I love shopping for necklaces? When piles of them are strung up so I can sift through for the perfect one. But that's just me.

A few cute ideas:
Hope you get some inspiration!
thank you! you read my mind, these ideas were exactly what I was looking for!