Sometimes I feel a little fraudulent about my vintage work. I have always been that girl that will fall many times over in love with cocktail attire from the 1950's, wants to wear heels at least five days out of the week, and can't get enough of Billie Holiday. However, these days my favorite things to wear are plain white t-shirts, that one pair of jeans we all get a little sad over when we have to put them in the dirty clothes hamper, and my 'can walk anywhere in these' clogs. This ensemble is my stable. Still I drool over the window displays at Anthropologie on numerous purposeful drive by occasions and would be quite content if left in a room full of scarves. So where does this leave a girl who also loves scouting and keeping a sharp little eye out for vintage?
I found these two new additions to my shop in two different cities and they share a good passion for the everlasting combination of pink and grey. This color match is timeless and I adore it when the colors also differ in texture. Both are from the 1950's and both are in beautiful condition. I have conjured up a story that the dress was stuffed in an attic trunk for decades, and that coat has been hanging neatly in someone's closet without wear for about the same amount of time.
It has also come to my attention that yes the dress is a tad wrinkly. And by tad it is very wrinkly! I have this fear of tampering, cleaning, or altering clothing that is much older then I and am much more comfortable leaving that up to the owner to be. So I ask, is steam safe on most fabrics regardless of age? (Mom, I am thinking you are going to have to chime in here)
Goodness I had a lot to type today, and on just one cup of coffee (and 1/2).
this has a good little chart on care of vintage clothing.
No, steaming is not good for all fabrics. If you take the dress to a good cleaners (one that knows what they are doing) they can tell you about its care.